Hi Art,

As I previous explain before the apply of the default setting is done
by apply a default constructed StateAttribute, this applies to
osg::Program just as it does any other StateAttribute.   This default
constructed StateAttribute is applied when all other entries of that
specific type of attribute are popped off the stack.

Inside osg::State you have the strcuture below, please not the
global_default_attribute member - this is the one that holds the clone
and does the apply back to default.

        struct AttributeStack
            typedef std::pair<const
StateAttribute*,StateAttribute::OverrideValue>  AttributePair;
            typedef std::vector<AttributePair>

                changed = false;
                last_applied_attribute = 0L;
                global_default_attribute = 0L;

            /** apply an attribute if required, passing in attribute
and appropriate attribute stack */
            bool                    changed;
            const StateAttribute*   last_applied_attribute;
            ref_ptr<const StateAttribute> global_default_attribute;
            AttributeVec            attributeVec;

So.. please review osg::State thoroughly.  If there is a bug then
please highlight it, but.. don't keep asking for something that
already exists just not in the form you are expecting it.

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