Hi folks,

OK, I understand what Mike means by the baseline behaviour. And as you also 
wrote: "the apply of the default setting is done
by apply a default constructed StateAttribute" this is exactly what I meant by 
a "fresh" state attribute. So we are speaking about the same things.

If I would fine some bug, I will post it, of course ;)
I wouldn't try to start now a discussion about the meaning of restore or 
disapply method, since it seems that I am currently not able to state out why 
such kind of behaviour is needed. However, there could be cases where such a 
behaviour would leak attributes (as for example with the draw buffer setting, 
which is happily stored by OpenGL in the FBO context, hence it doesn't really 
leak out ;).

As soon as I would come across such a non-default case, I would then let you 
know, guys ;)



--- Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am Fr, 23.5.2008:

> Von: Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Betreff: Re: [osg-users] empty geode + shader + uniform = bug ?
> An: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "OpenSceneGraph Users" 
> <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
> Datum: Freitag, 23. Mai 2008, 17:02
> Hi Art,
> As I previous explain before the apply of the default
> setting is done
> by apply a default constructed StateAttribute, this applies
> to
> osg::Program just as it does any other StateAttribute.  
> This default
> constructed StateAttribute is applied when all other
> entries of that
> specific type of attribute are popped off the stack.
> Inside osg::State you have the strcuture below, please not
> the
> global_default_attribute member - this is the one that
> holds the clone
> and does the apply back to default.
>         struct AttributeStack
>         {
>             typedef std::pair<const
> StateAttribute*,StateAttribute::OverrideValue> 
> AttributePair;
>             typedef std::vector<AttributePair>
>              AttributeVec;
>             AttributeStack()
>             {
>                 changed = false;
>                 last_applied_attribute = 0L;
>                 global_default_attribute = 0L;
>             }
>             /** apply an attribute if required, passing in
> attribute
> and appropriate attribute stack */
>             bool                    changed;
>             const StateAttribute*   last_applied_attribute;
>             ref_ptr<const StateAttribute>
> global_default_attribute;
>             AttributeVec            attributeVec;
>         };
> So.. please review osg::State thoroughly.  If there is a
> bug then
> please highlight it, but.. don't keep asking for
> something that
> already exists just not in the form you are expecting it.
> Robert.

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