Forum Dude wrote:

That's odd. You know what? I'll send you the markup in a private mail.

Maybe you can add it for me and see if it works for you.

Re: OSG Wiki. (See mailing list.) Here it is. The page I want to put it on is:

Of course, I haven't had a chance to check my markup so it might not
look perfect. Also, it's not finished. There should be screenshots as
well. But for a start, it would be great if you could put it on the

And who knows, maybe after that I'll be able to edit it myself.
Well, I had no problems pasting your text in the edit form, so the page is now fully complete. Note: I changed the markup of the bulleted lists in the requirements. You shouldn't use empty lines between list items as that will create a new list for each item. I.e. don't write

* Blah

  * sub 1

  * sub 2

but write

* Blah
  * sub 1
  * sub 2

I have no idea why you were having so much trouble getting the page editing to work. Perhaps the server was misbehaving, or it might be your browser (do you happen to use an exotic one?).

Looks great b.t.w., thanks for writing this info!


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