
thanks, It just test it and it works well...

So i'll try to find the bug, using other ways.


2008/6/4 J.P. Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> just guessing, but maybe see this:
> http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=319895
> and also search the list for this link, there was some discussion on this.
> jp
> Vincent Bourdier wrote:
>> Hi
>> With osg 2.5.1 I've aldready the same crash "vector<bool> iterator not
>> dereferencable"
>> stack :
>>  >    msvcp80d.dll!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message=0x103f3d50,
>> const wchar_t * file=0x103a0478, unsigned int line=1463)  Ligne 23    C++
>> osg37-osgd.dll!std::_Vb_reference<std::vector<bool,std::allocator<bool>  >
>> >::_Getptr()  Ligne 1463 + 0x17 octets    C++
>> osg37-osgd.dll!std::_Vb_reference<std::vector<bool,std::allocator<bool>  >
>> >::operator bool()  Ligne 1453 + 0x8 octets    C++
>> osg37-osgd.dll!std::_Vb_const_iterator<std::vector<bool,std::allocator<bool>
>>  > >::operator*()  Ligne 1523 + 0x24 octets    C++
>>     osg37-osgd.dll!std::vector<bool,std::allocator<bool>
>>  >::operator[](unsigned int _Off=2)  Ligne 2010 + 0x41 octets    C++
>>     osg37-osgd.dll!osg::Switch::computeBound()  Ligne 198 + 0x12 octets
>>  C++
>>     osg37-osgd.dll!osg::Node::getBound()  Ligne 268 + 0x13 octets    C++
>>     osg37-osgd.dll!osg::Group::computeBound()  Ligne 357 + 0x16 octets
>>  C++
>>     osg37-osgd.dll!osg::Node::getBound()  Ligne 268 + 0x13 octets    C++
>>     osg37-osgd.dll!osg::Group::computeBound()  Ligne 357 + 0x16 octets
>>  C++
>>     osg37-osgd.dll!osg::Node::getBound()  Ligne 268 + 0x13 octets    C++
>>     osg37-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::ViewerBase::renderingTraversals()
>>  Ligne 636 + 0x15 octets    C++
>>     osg37-osgViewerd.dll!osgViewer::ViewerBase::frame(double
>> simulationTime=1.7976931348623157e+308)  Ligne 584 + 0xf octets    C++
>>     3DEM.exe!EM_Modules::run()  Ligne 302    C++
>>     3DEM.exe!EM_Modules::init(HWND__ * hWnd=0x00000000)  Ligne 264 + 0xb
>> octets    C++
>>     3DEM.exe!main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x01f52a50)  Ligne 99 + 0xd
>> octets    C++
>>     3DEM.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Ligne 586 + 0x19 octets    C
>>     3DEM.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Ligne 403    C
>>     kernel32.dll!7c816fd7()         [Les frames ci-dessous sont peut-être
>> incorrects et/ou manquants, aucun symbole chargé pour kernel32.dll]
>> Do OSG use some vector<bool> ? where ? how ?  If i can see where it
>> crashes, I gess I can find why...
>> Thanks,
>> Regards,
>>   Vincent.
>> 2008/6/4 Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:
>>    On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Mathias Fröhlich
>>    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>     > Did you ever try compiling under linux using the _GLIBCXX_DEBUG
>>    define?
>>    No I have never tried this, yet... thanks for the pointer.
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