Hi Robert,

Is it not possible to do anything under the cover of darkness :-)

Well, not when it's in a public SVN server anyways... :-)

I requested the code from Adrian and he's kindly provided it this
morning so I've begun review of it.  The code itself will serve as a
useful reference, but right now I plan to code up support myself.  My
goals are tight integration with the core OSG and existing
intersection codes so the goals are somewhat different to what
Adrian's code are written for.

OK, this was what I wanted to do as well, and I agree that Adrian's code is a bit far from that goal, which is why I waited so much to tackle that task...

For reference, the strategy I used in my Masters was to have one kd-tree per geode in the scene graph. This kd-tree would only need to be recalculated when the drawables were modified, so when doing for example dirtyBound() I would also call a method on the geode's kd-tree to recalculate it (if this could be automatic it would be better of course). When doing the intersection tests, I would first test the scene graph's bounding volumes to find the intersections with geodes, then I would transform the ray by the geode's inverse world transform, and then I would test the geode's kd-tree. I think intersection with bounding volumes is fast enough to be a good broad-phase test to eliminate many candidates quickly.

Of course, this is slower than a kd-tree-only intersection test in static scenes, but it has the advantage of requiring less kd-tree rebuilds in the case of a dynamic scene (which was the whole premise of my Masters). I was operating on the assumption that rebuilding the kd-tree each frame would be too costly. I never tested that assumption of course, but based it on previously published works.

So perhaps the kd-tree could have two strategies, one for static scenes and one for dynamic ones. Perhaps this could be chosen based on the graph nodes' data variance setting? Just thinking out loud.

I'll provided more info this work once I have something for others to
test out, right now osgkdtree does nothing useful.

What? Loading a scene is not useful? :-)

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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