To add to what Luigi's my command line:

cmake -DWIN32_USE_MP=ON

I use this in my master build script to build everything. I simply
fire off a single script and go grab some lunch! To use Visual Studio
from the command line after cmake is done I use:

devenv OpenSceneGraph.sln /%1 "Debug" /project "ALL_BUILD" /out %logfile%
devenv OpenSceneGraph.sln /%1 "Debug" /project "INSTALL" /out %logfile%
devenv OpenSceneGraph.sln /%1 "RelWithDebInfo" /project "ALL_BUILD"
/out %logfile%
devenv OpenSceneGraph.sln /%1 "RelWithDebInfo" /project "INSTALL" /out %logfile%

where %1 is "build" or "rebuild"

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Luigi Calori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I presume you are workng on Windows and change build folder.If you just
> update from svn you should not be forced to configure again.
> Anyway, if you want to keep your previous cmake setup, just keep the
> CmakeCache.txt file.
> Otherwise,you can force your defaul configuration by adding -D<var>=<value>
> tou your cmake command line.
> I usually store my default setup in a cmake command line then run cmakesetup
> to eventually change options afterwards
> Hope it helps
> Brian wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I must be doing something wrong when using CMakeSetup.  Every time I
>> download a new release of OSG, I have to go through the steps of
>> reconfiguring CMake to point to all the directories for the various extras
>> (GDAL, FLTK, etc.)  I've tried setting up environment variables with names
>> like FLTK_LIBRARY or FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR in the hopes that CMake will read
>> those and use them to help make my life easier, but it's all in vain.
>> Is there an easy way to automatically configure CMake?
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
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