To the best of my knowledge, to do stereo rendering, you must expose two 
parameters, which are known by various names, typically:

1. Eye separation, the distance between the two stereo 'eyes'.
 This is in OSG as osg::DisplaySettings::setEyeSeparation.

2. Convergence, which is like a horizontal offset between the rendered views, 
or it can be thought of as the distance from the camera at which the two images 
  I cannot find any setting in SceneView or DisplaySettings for this.

As the email below agrees, this is a vital parameter for any real stereo use.  
Perhaps i am just not finding it, is it in OSG somewhere?  I did search the 
list archive, and found no relevant mention of 'convergence'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michal Husak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 2:57 AM
To: Ben Discoe

Hi Ben

> As far as i can tell, OSG does not expose a factor like 
> convergence (or 'Zero parallax plane position').

I am afraid convergence is related to the use of rotated cameras (toe in). it 
produce keystone distortion ...

ZPP does not use rotated cameras - it use just OpenGL viewport manipulation ...

The result is similar for both approaches ...

> Do you know of anyone using OSG-based software who is doing the
> kind of stereo needed?

Unfortunately i do not ... I cannot imagine anybody uses OSG in stereo without 
the possibility to adjust the ZPP or at least convergence ...

Michal Husak
Technical Director

GALI-3D, s.r.o.
Ceska 32
370 01 Ceske Budejovice
Czech Republic

mobile phone:+420 776 018 351

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