Not sure if this is related, but...

When timing an OpenGL application, we always make sure to do a glFinish() before recording the time at the end of a draw. The glFinish waits for the OpenGL commands in the pipeline to complete before returning and gives a truer measurement of the time. Without waiting, draw timing tends to be reported as higher than it really is until the FIFO buffer gets filled.


Paul Martz wrote:
    My main frustration is demonstrated by the second and third timing
    images I had posted, both with VSync on (so 60Hz max frame rate),
    with a single GPU.  Both Event/Update timings are trivial.

1. One timing had Cull(2.22)+Draw(3.81)+GPU(3.86)=9.89ms @ 59.99Hz (good)

    Now all I did was trackball the eyepoint to another location in the
    scene, and got:
    2. Cull(0.64)+Draw(0.90)+GPU(0.92)=2.46ms @ 46.46Hz frame rate.

    This makes no sense to me.  With 4 times more rendering time(#1) we
    can achieve max frame rate, but with a very light rendering
    load(#2), our frame rate is substantially degraded?  How frustrating
is that! Have you tried adding your own timing code to verify that you really are no longer getting 60Hz framerate? ("Trust but verify" as Reagan once said.)

w.r.t. Paul's suggestion about buffer swaps being queued being the
    cause of the Draw/GPU gap, I'm not sure I quite understand how/why
    that would happen, plus if that's a potential cause why moving the
    eyepoint in my example above to a less rendering load would cause it
to happen. I can try to explain it better: The graphics hardware has a FIFO for receiving input. When the upper limit on swaps is reached, the hardware blocks the OS from putting more stuff into the FIFO until one of the swaps already in the FIFO gets processed. Only then will the FIFO accept the new data. Illustration: Assume the hardware has a max queued swap limit of 2 swaps, and the application is running at an ungodly fast pace... App sends frame 0 data
    Hardware starts processing frame 0 data
  App issues swap for frame 0
  App sends frame 1 data
  App issues swap for frame 1
  App is now blocked because 2 swaps are queued
    Hardware executes swap to display frame 0
    Hardware starts processing frame 1 data
  App sends frame 2 data
  App issues swap for frame 2
  App is now blocked because 2 swaps are queued
    Hardware executes swap to display frame 1
    Hardware starts processing frame 2 data
  App sends frame 3 data
  App issues swap for frame 3
  App is now blocked because 2 swaps are queued
    Hardware executes swap to display frame 2
    Hardware starts processing frame 3 data
Etc. Thus, there will be a gap between when OSG sends the data, and the hardware begins processing it. I'm not sure this has anything to do with your third case, where the rendering load is lighter yet the framerate appears to drop. I believe these are two separate issues. Paul Martz
*Skew Matrix Software LLC* <>
+1 303 859 9466

Todd J. Furlong
Inv3rsion, LLC
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