Hello Philip,

I've implemented Jean-Sébastien's last suggestion, 
"node->setCullingActive(false)" on the MatrixTransform whose child is the 
image, but with no noticeable change.  Does this setting affect a node's children as well?  
I've checked my viewing frustrum, and zFar is set to 3.0*(the scene node's getBound()).

Well, culling tests each node's bounding sphere. In the case of a group (or subclass), the bounding sphere contains the bounding spheres of the children. If a given node is not culled, then the children's bounding spheres are tested. If the node is culled, then its children are also culled (since their bounds were included in their parent's bound).

So if your laser is a group, you would need to setCullingActive(false) on the children too. Then, I don't know when the drawables are checked for culling too (they are culled with a bounding box). You might have to set a CullCallback on the Drawables that just returns false all the time.

Then again, I'm not quite sure that's your problem. If you say you're rendering a line, then because of sampling, even if the line is not culled it might not render onto any pixels. Not quite sure how I'd fix that. Perhaps unprojecting the line's endpoints so they're in screen space and then drawing a line in screen space would work?

Hope that gives you something to go with...

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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