
have you created your own viewmatrix?
I assume the red text is just photoshopped in, right?


On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 10:49 PM, James Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Hi,
> I am having an issue with osgText::Text in that the text appears flipped
> and backwards relative to the other geometry in the scene. (Please see
> screenshot for what I mean)
> In the attached screen shot I have written on the coords. of the billboard
> geometry so hopefully the following code will make some sense:
> // Go through data and plot lines.
> for (_i = _testTimeLine.begin(); _i != _testTimeLine.end(); ++_i)
> {
> std::stringstream _caption;
> _caption << *_j;
> int _y = static_cast<int>(((*_j) + _minY) *
> ((
> _height - 20) / (_maxY - _minY)));
> int _x = static_cast<int>(((*_i) + _minX) *
> ((
> _width - 20) / (_maxX - _minX)));
> _x = _x + 10;
> _y = _y + 10;
> // If not at the beginning of the vector, draw a line, otherwise
> // colour a pixel.
> if (_i != _testTimeLine.begin())
> {
> m_graphImage->DrawLine(osg::Vec2(_prevx, _prevy),
> osg::Vec2(_x, _y),
> osg::Vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
> }
> else
> {
> m_graphImage->SetPixel(osg::Vec2(_x, _y),
> osg::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
> }
> _prevx = _x;
> _prevy = _y;
> // Convert texture coordinates to uv's to use as offsets.
> float _u = ((float)_x) / ((float)_width);
> float _v = ((float)_y) / ((float)_height);
> osg::Vec3 _xoffset(_u, 0.0f, 0.0f);
> osg::Vec3 _zoffset(0.0f, 0.0f, _v);
> // Use offsets to create world space coordinates.
> osg::Vec3 _pos = m_corner + _xoffset + _yoffset
> +
> _zoffset;
> // Create and position text displaying data point value.
> osgText::Text * _text = new osgText::Text;
> _text->setFont(_font);
> _text->setCharacterSize(characterSize);
> _text->setPosition(_pos);
> _text->setAxisAlignment(osgText::Text::XZ_PLANE);
> _text->setText(_caption.str());
> _captions->addDrawable(_text);
> ++
> _j;
> }
> I have managed to fix it by changing the alignment setting to
> REVERSE_XZ_PLANE and switching the sign of the offset coords. However I feel
> this is a slight hack and wondered if there is some other 'proper' setting?
> Many thanks,
> James
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