Hello Ümit,

I am trying to effect the components of scene with green light. Although green light could effected two of sphere, couldn't get success on the terrain model. What can I do to effect the terrain with green light?

Your terrain's texture is probably being applied in GL_REPLACE mode, instead of in GL_MODULATE mode. In GL_MODULATE, the texture color is multiplied by the shading value at a pixel to give the final surface color, and in GL_REPLACE mode the texture color is used directly (replacing the shading).

Your options:
* Check the terrain model file (you can try osgconv model.whatever model.osg if it isn't an .osg file, and then open it in a text editor to check for the texture application mode) and change it in the model. * Write a NodeVisitor that you will run on your terrain model after having loaded it to change any osg::TexEnv object from REPLACE mode to MODULATE mode (or just remove the TexEnv, since the default is MODULATE).

I recommend option 1, your life will be much easier if your models are correct in the first place and you don't have to hard-code any changes in your program.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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