Hello Rahul,

I also gave osgCal2 (I believe 0.3.1) a try with both OSG2.0 and OSG2.4 - and I
wasn't successful with either release. I just got crashes (under VisualStudio8,
didn't try it for Mac). If you do manage to sort it out, please do let me know.

However, I do have character animation working with the package 'ReplicantBody'.
I had to make a few changes so that it would work under viewer (uses the
Producer from before OSG2), and also so that it can use multithreaded rendering
(I'm using cal3dv0.11).  I know that ReplicantBody hasn't been updated in years
(one of my reasons for trying out osgCal2), but it does seems to do the trick.
The Delta3D team also seems to have an alternate animation package available,
you might want to look at that.

- Andrew

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