Hello Luc,

I am working at the moment on an university project and need some
advices concerning picking and using selections in osg. My job is to
generate and render a height number of polygons (+/- 120000) and I
need to pick them. In an first instance I have used the
LineSegmentIntersector approach which was proposed by osg. But this
solution was to slow for a high amount of geometries.

In OSG 2.6 you can use the new kdtree to do your intersection. This will greatly speed up LineSegmentIntersections.

You just need to enable the building of kd-trees, and then they'll be built and used automatically. See these two messages for details:


As for GL_SELECTION, I don't know why it's not offered as an alternative in OSG, but I'm sure there's a good reason.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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