Hello Robert,

No problem, reply when you can, it's not a really high priority subject at this point as we're just discussing options...

I don't have a problem with hosting binaries on openscenegraph.org or
the svn, it seems a natural fit.

I really like Mike's setup on the osgtoy svn, so I'd suggest starting with that but just transposing it to the main OSG SVN. There could then be branches for different platforms/compilers, and it would all be under the same tree. Add Matthias' precompiled dependencies to that. I think that would be a great start.

There's also no reason why this couldn't apply to other platforms too, so for example was it the Debian binaries that are on some developer's web site (Loic Dachary?) and could be brought into this structure.

Might I suggest the maintenance crew could be widened to encompass
engineers willing/able to help build dependencies and binaries as well
as just the source maintenance of stable releases.

Yes, that would be a must. Different maintainers could have control over different branches in this setup, so someone who has access to platform X and compiler Y would have access to the correct branch.

Perhaps we should start a discussion about this under a new title (new thread) and ask who would be willing to compile / maintain some binaries / dependencies on different platforms?

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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