Hi thibault

I just have tried with the microsoft compiler. I still have some memory
leaks, but the ouput is unreadable :

{431278} normal block at 0x12194A50, 108 bytes long.
 Data: < {\             > FC 7B 5C 10 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
{431277} normal block at 0x12194A08, 12 bytes long.
 Data: <U O T P S R > 55 03 4F 03 54 03 50 03 53 03 52 03

I just need the line code where to find the leak but I am not able to do
it... I added #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC but nothing appear...
Any suggestion to get the file and line number ?

thanks a lot.

2008/9/19 Thibault Genessay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Vincent
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Vincent Bourdier
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I know... but I am under windows... and so I have to forget this one...
> :'(
> > No one under windows ?
> You could try IBM Rational Purify. It's quite a nice tool and you can
> download a trial version.
> (You can also try to port your code to Linux. You get a triple
> benefit: you can cross-check your code for compiler-specific hidden
> bugs, you can use Valgrind and your app will run under Linux.)
> > Searching memory leaks, I use some libraries looking at leaks but it is
> very difficult to know  if a leak is really one or not, specially due to
> ref_prt<>.
> > Is there any free profiler (memory, time, number of acces, ...) for
> windows or even for VS 2005 (not Team edition) to trace an OSG based program
> ?
> I've never come across difficulties with ref_ptrs themselves. If you
> don't create circular dependencies, they will free the memory they
> point to and the memory leak detector will not report a false
> positive. If you use the Microsoft compiler, do you get any reports
> when leak detection is turned on ? (i.e. by calling
> _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG) |
> (_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF)); at the beginning of your program)
> If you do have reports here you obviously have a memory leak due to a
> programming error, not related to ref_ptrs.
> Regards
> Thibault
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