This has been an incredibly helpful response.  Thanks a ton :)

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay <

> Hello Dusten,
>  I understand how this can be accomplished if a user is given a lot of
>> control over the scene graph during map/level creation, but what I'm aiming
>> for is the ability to load in a .3ds model (or otherwise) for level geometry
>> and let the user place various prefabs such as crates, trees, cars, etc into
>> the world; then, the composite level is exported to a .lua script so that it
>> can be loaded again with all of the static and dynamic objects intact.
> You just need to use a modeling tool and format which understand hierarchy,
> and then use that. Many formats which normal modeling tools export support
> this: COLLADA, OpenFlight, etc. Plus, there are plugins for both 3DSMax and
> Blender (among others) to export to .osg directly.
> If you need anything else, you need to code it yourself, which shouldn't be
> that complicated. Here we have a system which loads and interprets scripts
> as you describe, plus it includes physical properties (we develop and sell a
> physics engine after all :-) ), viewer configuration, input device
> configuration, etc.
> Of course, once again the ability to do view frustum culling properly still
> hinges on the grouping of close-by objects and a well-conditioned scene
> graph, and at this point it's up to your loader to build the scene graph in
> a way that will be close to optimal. You can give hints in your scripting
> files for this (such as group names, where each object whose group name is
> the same will be grouped together, or a radius + number of objects scheme,
> where objects which are close by within a certain radius will be grouped
> together up to a given number of objects).
>  The issue is of course, that I cannot possibly compete with blender or
>> 3dsMax as a modeling program, and I shouldn't attempt to either.  The users
>> of this engine should be able to use existing, non-proprietary modeling
>> software to create levels or items for their game.
> I totally agree with this. However, slight retraining for the realities of
> real-time graphics is often necessary. Why do you think the 3D
> artist/multimedia schools have different classes for game modeling and
> fx/film modeling? Both have different tradeoffs and the modeler must keep
> different things in mind while doing his job. (same goes for texture artist,
> lighting artist, etc. when those positions are occupied by different people)
>  I believe it would be too complex to implement an automatic or
>> user-friendly way to disassemble an existing set of level geometry, only to
>> re-assemble with parenting.
> Not only is it not too complex, you don't have any choice. It's up to you
> to provide OSG with a well-formed scene graph. If you don't, you probably
> won't get great performance. Modeling tools by default make flat
> hierarchies, but in both 3DSMax and Blender IIRC (and Maya, Softimage XSI,
> etc. too, and of course Creator) there is a view which allows the modeler to
> rearrange the hierarchy. Using this, along with a format which can export
> the hierarchy properly will save you a lot of time trying to do the same
> programmatically.
>  But it would be -very- tedious for a level designer to heavily subdivide
>> his or her model for culling purposes.
> It's not that tedious, and I didn't say you need to heavily subdivide. Just
> keep the hierarchy in mind when building the levels, and do a rough
> grouping. You will see large performance gains.
>  Is there some way to use a 'precise' bounding box on a single node, that
>> takes the level geometry's lowest LOD for occlusion culling operations?  At
>> least this would allow detail objects to be culled away if the camera was
>> 'in' the level, as it usually is.
> I'm not aware of anything in OSG to automatically build occlusion volumes
> (from anything, not just from the lowest LOD), but then again I have never
> used occlusion culling in OSG myself, so others may be better placed to
> inform you on this.
> If you want my advice, start with making OSG's view frustum culling job
> easier, that's the simplest to implement and will already get you massive
> gains.
> Hope this helps,
> J-S
> --
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