When menu shadows in Windows XP are enabled, I get a flickering artifact where some menu shadows overlaps with the area being rendered. This happens with the build in examples, such as osglogo.exe. I'm allowing the osgViewer module to create the window, using the OSG_WINDOW environment variable. The menu from the application icon at the top left of the window works fine, but if I overlap the start menu over the client area, the menu's shadow flickers. There is also flicker across the rest of the overlapping menu as it fades in.

I've tested this with other OpenGL applications and this problem doesn't seem to occur.

I'm running the program on an ATI Radeon 9600 pro. This problem doesn't occur on another computer using a Nvidia card.

I'm using OSG 2.4. I may try updating to a later version, though I'm curious if anyone knows if this issue has been dealt with.


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