The issue seems like it may be with vsync.

When I setup my video card to enable vertical sync by default, the problem is a lot less pronounced (arguably good enough not to worry about). I'm guessing the programs that seemed to work were explicitly enabling vertical sync.

I believe I've seen some other graphical programs handle things like menu shadows even more fluidly, though those may have been done in DirectX.

- Eron

Simon Hammett wrote:
No it's not multi threading. My single threaded non OSG apps do the same,
and that's with my OpenGl rendering code called in response to WM_PAINT.

It's something to do with the back buffer swap overwriting the screen
without being properly synchronised with GDI but I've never had time to
investigate it properly.

I think you might have to render to a buffer and then copy it across
in response to WM_ERASEBKGND to play nicely with GDI but I've
not tried doing that yet.

2008/12/15 Schmidt, Richard <>:
we are having the same issues here and I think the problem is related to

One solution may be to sync your drawing thread to the drawing of
windows or to sync the swap operation in double buffered mode.

I don't know if that helps, it's just a guess.


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