Hi Sukender,

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Sukender <suky0...@free.fr> wrote:
> I'm sorry to come late in the discussion, but I did not understand why you 
> say the "assignment within conditional expression" warning (C4706 under MSVC) 
> is useless. I know it is correct C/C++ to write "if (a=b)", but haven't you 
> ever typed "a=b" instead if "a==b" in a "if" statement? It happens often to 
> me... :) In all my projects, I set this warning to be an error so that it 
> doesn't compile.
> But I understand (and agree) that putting "!=0" everywhere could be a pain 
> for those who aren't used to.

The converse also happens, sometimes there are places where if (a==b)
is used but if (a=b) is meant, I know because I fixed one such error
yesterday, yet the warning doesn't catch this... rather I think this
warning led to previous contributor to this particular code "fixing"
the warning by breaking the code.

The reality is that compiler can't catch algorithm errors, catching
algorithm errors is our job, and job that can be hindered by
syntactical tricks that one has to employ to quieten down these over
zealous warnings.  Algorithm errors are more of pervasive problem than
syntactical errors.  Code readability is key to spotting algorithm
errors, so any slip in readability is something to take very seriously
which is why the  !=0 is not what I would deem a good programming

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