> Well, is it possible to run "n times PUT", and then one time the
> standard frame (update/cull/draw)? If so, there should be no
> problem.

It's possible to do it that way, but the display frame rate will suffer if
the physics computation gets expensive. In my own work, I am stepping the
physics simulation once, then calling osgViewer::Viewer::frame(), and I'm
already seeing framerate issues when interactions get complex. If you want
to step the physics simulation multiple times, it'll be even more of an
issue. I think putting the physics simulation in a separate thread will make
this less of a problem.

It's also simpler, because it doesn't require osgPhysics to invade
osgViewer, which I personally think is a bad idea. OSG has a lot of
mechanisms that allow you to do physics without modifying the OSG code. I'm
able to do a full Bullet physics simulation in my project, and haven't
modified one line of OSG (just derived a few classes).

Paul Martz
Skew Matrix Software LLC
+1 303 859 9466

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