Hi Matthew,

The best approach to working with C4251 is to selectively disable it around 
class declarations which produce such false warnings. In some cases, C4251 may 
expose an actual problem in a DLL interface, and thus it should not be globally 
supressed, in general.

Well, I think in hindsight that would probably have been the way to go for all erroneous warnings, but I agree with Robert on two points:

a) at this point, going back and disabling the warnings around the offending classes only would touch way too many files for little tangible benefit

b) it would increase the code size for nothing, and developers making changes to OSG from other platforms have no way of knowing that a given warning suppression is still valid or if they should add one.

For C4251, I think the effects are pretty easy to see (I've had to e-mail Robert a few times already in the past when he/someone else added a class but forgot to include the *_EXPORT symbol) so I don't think suppressing that warning is too problematic.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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