Hi Robert,

Paul Melis wrote:
Robert Osfield wrote:
I've tweaked the FindXUL.cmake to make the pkgconfig usage optional -
required as not all platforms have pkgconfig available.  The block now
looks like below segment.  The modified FindXUL.cmake is attached,
could you try this out?
Yep, seems to work fine.
A question: I think I saw you mention somewhere that XUL 1.9 is not supported, that 1.8 is the version to use. Is this correct?

I'm having some trouble getting 2.8 to compile on an FC10 system (after having to hack the CMake XUL module, as it uses different pkg-config names for the XUL packages). Specifically, src/osgPlugins/gecko/llembeddedbrowserwindow.h includes nsIBaseWindow.h, which on the FC10 system, is located in a subdirectory widget/ of the XUL include directory and therefore can't be found using the current include directories set from the CMake module.

Looking further into this it seems that that header (nsIBaseWindow.h) is nowhere to be found in any of the 1.8 official distributions from Mozilla! (e.g. http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/releases/

So could it be that the gecko plugin does not needs xulrunner 1.8, but 1.9?

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