
For the record, I made my posting because I thought other Windows developers would like to know the source of at least some of the false positives. I wasn't claiming to have found a real leak.


Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D) wrote:
Hi Robert,

Since i am member of the osg-user mailing list, we get each month a least one guy asking the community about the problem of memory leak in OSG core. The problem is simply to say, that the most of them are working
with 3rd party tools like bound checkers and they trust them. Of course the bound checkers and alos others are greate. but not right working with our library. So i would propose a own written C++ memory leak detector.
I still posted the memory leak detector two weeks ago, but if we would like to integrate it in the next release it would be possible. Unfortunately it's only working under windows and _MSV_VER > 1399 (MSVS C++ 2005). Or we could
at least post the code in some way. I don't right know where and how, but it would be possible.

what are you thinking about? Do you still check osg against some memory leak detector?


Adrian Egli

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