Hi Robert,

Robert Osfield schrieb:

> Good news, thanks for your efforts on this.  Will it be able to handle
> multi-threading/multi-context windowing?

Yes, I hope so, it's a full GraphicsWindow-implementation. I haven't
tested multithreaded/multi-context-usage now, I am still struggling with
events, and Cocoa.

> Sorry but I couldn't quite work out the exact status of 64bit +
> Quicktime.  Will it be possible for use to move our present Quicktime
> plugin across to work under 64bit, even if means emulation, or do we
> simply have to disable the build of the Quicktime plugin under OSX.

Quicktime itself is AFAIK not 64bit, there's a thin abstraction-layer
(called QTKit) available for 32bit/64bit which routes the commands to a
32bit background-app playing the video-stream and handling the image back.

For windows the SDK is only 32bit.

I think disabling the quicktime-plugin for 64bit is the right way to go,
without an alternative in place (ImageIO for example).

>> Currently, I am against deprecating the quicktime-lib, because:
>> 1.) it handles images default for OS X
> Which images does Quicktime support that we don't have other plugins
> for?  Ideally I'd like to see us have cross platform support for all
> types of imagey that OSG users come across, this way users are locked
> into a single platform just because of a data type.

PSD for example. Sure you can get all these formats with installing
other dependencies + compiling some more plugins...

>> 2.) it handles live-video
> A quick search on the web suggest that live-video should be possible
> under ffmpeg.

Really? I thought you need other libs to capture the video footage like
libcap, openCV,  and feed the stream into ffmpeg to compress it...

>> 3.) it handles movies ffmpg can't handle
> Which movie formats are these?  If we know which formats are potential
> issue we can look them up to see if they are supported/may be
> supported in the future.

All quicktime-codecs -- there are several codecs handled by quicktime,
Sorensen, MotionJpeg, DV, etc. even some lossless codecs. (a list is
available at: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/player/specs.html)

> ffmpeg isn't a static target, support for various formats is improving
> over time so perhaps this issue should becoming less significant.
>> 4.) it has no dependencies on Mac OS X
> Kinda of true, but being only portable to Windows and OSX doesn't make
> it a fully portable no strings attached solution.

yes I know.

One of the keyfeatures of the quicktime-plugin is that you don't need to
hassle with all the dependencies - compile the plugin and you'll have
most of the image-formats and can play videos. Even distributing the app
is simple, because quicktime is part of the system.

And with some efforts you'll get double-clickable applications, no need
to install needed packages / dependencies on the target systems.

I am not a big fan of more external dependencies. For other platforms
than unix/linux this is a great hassle to get + install the right packages.

There are some package-managers available for OS X (DarwinPorts + Fink
for example) but I think most Mac users do not use them.  This is why I
insist in old deprecated XCode projects which can compile frameworks or
 the quicktime-plugin, because they help to deliver the os-x experience
everybody likes: download an app, copy it to the applications,
double-click to run. No installer needed, nada.

just my 2 cents :)

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