On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
<jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com> wrote:
>> So...
>> could we even deprecate the xine-lib and Quicktime plugins completely?
> One question is does the ffmpeg plugin support streaming (from a web site or
> from a local/remote webcam) for example? I think that's an interesting
> feature of the QuickTime plugin.

I think the answer is probably yes, but I haven't tried anything other
than streaming he desktop yet.  I have a webcam on my Shuttle so I'll
boot this up and see if I can follow the online tutorials to test it
out.  The online tutorials I've read so far discuss the command line
ffmpeg utility, but I presume it should be possible to write things up
in use the ffmpeg libs so should be exposable from our plugin given
the correct additions.

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