
I just want to make sure that we do not misunderstand each other:
The problem is not to make a fragment invisible (the discard statement in fact works for that pretty well) but to simply store normalized data ([0,1]) as the alpha component of my RGBA texture by using gl_FragColor.a = ... . But whatever value I pass in, it is ignored.

In fact I found out that I CAN write to the alpha value IF I use texture2D->setInternalFormat(GL_RGBA) but this would give me normalized values not just for the alpha component but also for the RGB components and that's not what I want. I need 32 bit floats PER component and NOT normalized because I want to store world space positions in RGB. That's why I decided to use GL_RGBA32F_ARB as internal format.

This decision was motivated by the following behavior of osg::Texture2D::setInternalFormat():

In setInternalFormat() the method computeInternalFormatType() is called which sets the "internal format type" to GL_FLOAT for the given "internal format" GL_RGBA32F_ARB:

   ==> computeInternalFormatType() gives GL_FLOAT as a result.

If I use the "internal format" GL_RGBA the method computeInternalFormatType() computes the "internal format type" NORMALIZED:

   ==> computeInternalFormatType() gives NORMALIZED as a result.

So how do I get to write to the alpha if its not normalized?


Joseba wrote:
I had some similar problem sometime ago and i solved it changing the internal 
format of the texture for the RTT. I also had some issues using FRAME_BUFFERS 
instead of FBOs, but you are already using them.



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