
Do you think that changing the shadow texture size will have any affect here?  
I have noticed a somewhat similar failure of ShadowMap when I have a very large 
mesh file, and decreasing the shadow texture size seems to fix that.


[] On Behalf Of Jason Daly
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 1:40 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] ShadowMap Required OpenGL Extensions

Ben Axelrod wrote:
I should probably specify the graphics cards in question.

The working card is a NVidia 7300 LE.  The card that passes the test, but still 
does not work is a NVidia NV37GL [Quadro FX 330/Quadro NVS280] (rev a2)

The NV37 is a GeForce 5-era card, so it should fully support programmable 
shading, although there were limits on how long and/or complex the shaders 
could be.  I wonder if you're running into a shader instruction limit or 
something like that.

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