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Robert Osfield wrote:

> Interesting link to the solidworks blog about OpenGL-Direct3D, in 
> particular the quotes from the Autodesk/Inventor develop/marketing. 
> Valid points are that not al OpenGL drivers are great.  But the the 
> inference that OpenGL does wokr in 64bit... well that's buillshit.
> The comment about off screen rendering is also bullshit - kinda
> suggests that their OpenGL developers are a bit incomptent if they
> can't use PBO's or Pbufferss.  

I think I can concur with this - I had the "pleasure" to work with
AutoCAD to get some CAD models exported so that they can be visualized
in OSG and the 3D "rendering" they have in there is about the crappiest,
slowest and most user unfriendly I have ever seen. Even Doom 1 in 1993
was working better than what they are selling as top-of-the-line feature

Also, do not forget that AutoDesk was always a DOS/Windows company, they
do not sell their software on anything else. I mean the original CAD
stuff, not things they bought elsewhere (Maya ...).

> The disabling of small set of OpenGL features is a bit of sad case of
>  profittering from the ATI and NVidia, if they've decreased the
> number of vendors using OpenGL and these must have features then
> they've rather shot themselves in the foot, or at least shot their
> OpenGL division in the foot.   Personally I don't use line smoothing
> or two side lighting too much - does anybody here have issues with
> this?  Or is it just the internal driver optimization for CAD that
> they are referring to?

Also stereo with quadbuffer - that is a feature that CAD folks use too.


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