rogerjames99 wrote:
> Adam Wise wrote: 
> >  
> > > I set osg_notify_level to debug, and I recieved this when I ran osgconv. 
> > > I honestly have no idea what this means, but at least it finds something.
> > > 
> > > GraphicsContext::setWindowingSystemInterface() 03571930 003D9198
> > > 
> > > Also, the collada plugin was built as far as I can tell. I attached the 
> > > release log. Everything was located 
> > > in:C:OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0buildsrcosgPluginsdaeosgdb_dae.dirRelease. Does 
> > > that mean I made a mistake in setting things up?
> > > 
> > > ------------------
> > > Read this topic online here:
> > > 
> > > (
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > osg-users mailing list
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> > > 
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> > > 
> > > 
> >  
>  Did you remember to run the INSTALL target as I mentioned in my last 
> message. 
> "Remember OSG cannot find plugins from the bin (build) directory, you need to 
> run the INSTALL target (in both Release and Debug mode) as admiminstrator if 
> you are on Vista. This will probably copy them into the right place under 
> "/Program Files/OpenSceneGraph"."
> Another point..If OSG cannot find ANY of the plugins then try setting the 
> environment variable OSG_LIBRARY_PATH to C:Program FilesOpenSceneGraphlib or 
> wherever the INSTALL target is putting the main osg libraries
> Roger
>  ------------------
> Post generated by Mail2Forum

Ok. just to make sure, the INSTALL target is in the solution explorer (that's 
in Visual studio)  of the OpenSceneGraph.sln? Also, to install both debug and 
release you simply go into properties (of the install target) and change the 
configuration to debug/release?

I'm trying to make sure that the osg library path is found by using sysedit.

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