Be aware that you'll need to manually restore the screen resolution before
exiting your application or you'll find your desktop in 640x480...

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Stephan Maximilian Huber <> wrote:

> Hi Carlos,
> Carlos Sanches schrieb:
> > I m looking for some example of
> > osg::GraphicsContext::WindowingSystemInterface .
> > Do you know where I found some example of how to use it ?
> Afaik there's no such example.
> This works for me: it changes the resolution to 800x600 for Screen 0
> osg::GraphicsContext::WindowingSystemInterface* wsi =
> osg::GraphicsContext::getWindowingSystemInterface();
> if (wsi) {
>  wsi->setScreenResolution(0,800,600);
> }
> Note: depending on your version of osg there may be a bug in the OS X
> implementation of setScreenResolution, a fix for this is not commited yet.
> cheers,
> Stephan
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