Hi Pierre,

Thanks for the links.  Just had a quick browse, it's amusing to find
some OpenSceneGraph terminology turn up in their technology
overview... StateSet, RenderGraph anyone, coincidence or inspiration

Lightweight javascript scene graph will have some value for browsers.
It's unlikely to scale well to complex graphics apps and data sizes.
When Google announced this effort it did make think about whether a
JavaScript wrapper for the OSG might just be an decent alternate
solution for those who need real power and scalability.

Another thought I've had is for the future of Present3D to migrate to
be script driven, with the scripting sitting upon a high level
abstraction of the various assets you have in the scene.  One could
possible select JavaScript ontop of this high level abstraction,
although personally I'm inclined towards Lua for it's ease of
integration.  In the context of browsers JavaScript is king though...


On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Pierre Bourdin (gmail)
<pierre.bour...@imerir.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> have you seen this project ?
> http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/o3d/
> http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/o3d/docs/techoverview.html
> Here's an interview about it...
> http://www.3d-test.com/interviews/google_O3D_1.htm
> What's your opinion about this project ?
> Pierre.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Pierre BOURDIN
> I.M.E.R.I.R.
> Av. Pascot BP 90443
> tél: 04 68 56 84 95
> fax: 04 68 55 03 86
> email: bour...@imerir.com
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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