Hi Robert,

Google is promising great performance from V8 JavaScript engine
http://code.google.com/p/v8. It was created with embedding in mind. It would
be great to write node update callbacks in JavaScript or Lua.


2009/5/11 Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com>

> Hi Pierre,
> Thanks for the links.  Just had a quick browse, it's amusing to find
> some OpenSceneGraph terminology turn up in their technology
> overview... StateSet, RenderGraph anyone, coincidence or inspiration
> :-)
> Lightweight javascript scene graph will have some value for browsers.
> It's unlikely to scale well to complex graphics apps and data sizes.
> When Google announced this effort it did make think about whether a
> JavaScript wrapper for the OSG might just be an decent alternate
> solution for those who need real power and scalability.
> Another thought I've had is for the future of Present3D to migrate to
> be script driven, with the scripting sitting upon a high level
> abstraction of the various assets you have in the scene.  One could
> possible select JavaScript ontop of this high level abstraction,
> although personally I'm inclined towards Lua for it's ease of
> integration.  In the context of browsers JavaScript is king though...
> Robert.
> On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Pierre Bourdin (gmail)
> <pierre.bour...@imerir.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > have you seen this project ?
> > http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/o3d/
> >
> > http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/o3d/docs/techoverview.html
> >
> > Here's an interview about it...
> > http://www.3d-test.com/interviews/google_O3D_1.htm
> >
> > What's your opinion about this project ?
> > Pierre.
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > Pierre BOURDIN
> > I.M.E.R.I.R.
> > Av. Pascot BP 90443
> > 66004 PERPIGNAN
> > tél: 04 68 56 84 95
> > fax: 04 68 55 03 86
> > email: bour...@imerir.com
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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