Hi Brian,

It sounds like you may have hit upon a threading bug in the Outline
effect.  Try changing the viewer threading mode to either
SingleThreaded or  CullDrawThreadPerCamera, if this works then there
is an threading issue with changing display lists or StateSet's at the
same time that these objects are being rendered.  Changing the
DataVariance to STATIC is the usually the best way to solve this, but
you can also double buffer the problem structures.


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Brian Stewart <jbstew...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I switched my code around to where the model was being added from the main 
> loop rather than the update traversal, and it was still crashing. On closer 
> examination I noticed that the crashes were occurring during the render 
> traversal, so I began to suspect the effect itself. When I replaced the 
> effect with an instance of osgFX::Scribe, then everything worked correctly. 
> So something was amiss in the Outline effect itself. I was using it only 
> because I did not know about the Scribe effect, which is better for my 
> purposes anyway.
> Thank you!
> Brian
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