Hi Maciej,

Thank you for the example. It seems to be a lot faster than what I was doing 
earlier.  Before when a node was selected, I removed it from its parent, 
created an osgFX::Scribe effect and placed it under the parent, and then 
reattached my node under that. But there was a slight delay between when the 
node disappeared, and when it reappeared selected. Because the nodes are 
buildings placed on geo-specific high-resolution imagery, this had the curious 
effect of make the building appear to be "push into the terrain" temporarily, 
and then spring back into position with the Scribe effect applied. 

Thanks for the links to the post and to the cel-shading article - those helped 
a lot! I did have one question about the  new selection method you 
demonstrated. It makes the building appear to be all white, since the texture 
is turned off. Is this correct? I tried disabling that part of the code, but 
now the backfaced outlines are not enough to make the object stand out. What I 
would really like to do is outline the object in a striking color (say bright 
yellow, or something) and then render the textured object with a slight cast if 
the same color.  Is this possible in OSG? I have searched though the archives, 
but without a lot of success yet. Just a pointer to some techniques that might 
work, or to a forum thread I missed would be a great help!

Thank you!


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