Not sure exactly what you want:
look at
(need windows + firefox+install the plugin)
then either double click with the central button on some point on the scene or select some viewpoints on the left.

If the motion effect is what you like, the code behind is open source.
If you like, let me know, I' ll try to direct you to the code snippet.

Hope it helps

Christian Buchner ha scritto:
Forgive my laziness - are there any utility classes within OSG that
let the camera go on a smooth ride to a specific location and eyepoint
vector from the current location?   I mean smooth in the sense of the
camera accelerating and braking, instead of making a simple constant
linear movement and rotation.

If there is no ready made solution for camera paths - how difficult
would it be to dynamically create a key frame animation for the camera
for abitrary start and stop locations?

Ideally I'd like the user to be able to quickly observe some points of
interests within in my 3D simulation, without instantaneously zapping
the camera to the new position. There should be some kind of "whoosh"
effect where the camera travels from the current location to the
destination quickly, within about second.   This may have the
advantage that the user will be able to maintain a sense of
orientation in space which would be lost by switching to the
destination camera position instantly.

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