> You say your examples are in bin\Release. This is not the case for me;
> is no bin\Release in my build dir. The release build of my osganimate.exe
> file is in "<my build dir>\bin". Not sure why yours would be elsewhere,
> this appears to be the source of your problem. What CMake variables did
> change from their default?

AHA:  It was OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL  If you leave it in its default "on"
position, it makes the "linker > General > Output File" to something like:

Somewhere along the line, probably as I was kicking against the pricks
trying to avoid having to deal with versioned dlls, I turned
OSG_MSVC_VERSIONED_DLL off.  After doing that, it set "linker > General >
Output File" to something like:

So for the examples, is there any way to set the Working Directory for
debugging?  It is actually pretty easy to select all of the apps and
examples and then set properties for all configurations at one time, so that
is not such a big deal, but I was curious.

So, I am starting to get the idea of the version number on the folder.  In
our environment, we have separate folders for debug and release folders.  I
know that OSG puts them all in one folder.  Our bat files break out the OSG
files to go to our debug and release folders.  Is there an easy way to break
them up to separate debug and release folders rather than compiling to a
single folder?

Finally, we are moving these files to a stable bin folder, and then we are
checking them in to our own SVN repository.  Just copying the bin folder
with a versioned number plugin folder makes that really hard.  Any ideas?

-- Rick

> brought up Properties and specified
> OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG_FP in the environment, then I hit ctrl-f5 to run.
Wow, that is cool, how do you do that?  In the C++ Preprocessor Settings?
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