> I even gave you a batch file that would do some of that automatically, and
it's easy to supplement that with a couple more commands that will do it all
automatically (see below).
You did?  Maybe I missed it.  Could you please send it again?  This does not
look nearly as hard as I had imagined.  Perhaps I was making my ignorance of
how to do it this way scare me away from trying it.  Thanks for being
patient with my reticence.

As a starting point, you could just do something like:

:: remove all DLLs from SVN
svn rm third-party/OSG/bin/*.dll
:: remove osgPlugins-x.y.z directory from SVN
svn rm third-party/OSG/bin/osgPlugins-*
:: copy the new DLLs and osgPlugins-x.y.z directory
xcopy osg-staging-area/bin/*.dll third-party/OSG/bin /s
:: add new DLLs and osgPlugins-x.y.z directory to SVN
svn add third-party/OSG/bin/*.dll
svn add third-party/OSG/bin/osgPlugins-*
:: commit (or do it from TortoiseSVN after running this batch file
:: up to and including the previous two commands)
svn ci -m "New version of OSG binaries" third-party/OSG/bin
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