There is one direction that I am tempted to pursue... my initial post was
that we cannot run OSG using the plugin folder structure as is.  When I saw
your initial post I manually copied over to the directory structure you said
where the plugin folder is in the same path as the bin.  The problem is the
plugins did not get loaded doing it this way... I have not investigated why
yet, but I believe it is because we manipulate the current working directory
to our art content folder.   If osgRegistry tries to obtain the plugins via
relative path or current working directory it would then fail.  If all my
guesses are correct then maybe there could be some DLL_OnProcessAttach that
could cache the CWD before we go and change it.

Rick was almost persuaded to use the OSG workflow, but this issue made it
too overwhelming to pursue.  I may go in this direction if it is easy to

I guess the main reason I would want to go in this way... is to offer a
solution that could benefit many.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jean-Sébastien Guay" <>
To: "OpenSceneGraph Users" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] Can I change the plugin directory structure?

> Hi James,
> > In short... I do not want to challenge the current workflow of either
> > paradigms, but rather describe how both are well-defined, and maybe
> > there are others out there who would like to see how we are doing it,
> > when/if we offer a submission.
> Thanks for explaining where you're coming from. It's good to take a step
> back and see what developers do with the dependencies that their
> products use.
> Sure, if you want to add a few options to the CMake scripts, you're
> welcome to submit them. As I said, if you find them useful then surely
> others will too.
> The current setup is kind of geared towards providing a good
> "out-of-the-box" experience, so new users don't have too many surprises,
> and also so that the setup is as similar as possible across platforms.
> If there are too many if(win32) paths in the cmake scripts then it makes
> them harder to support and keep in line with the mainline developments.
> Some are inevitable, but it's a good idea to keep them to a minimum.
> Thanks,
> J-S
> -- 
> ______________________________________________________
> Jean-Sebastien Guay
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> osg-users mailing list

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