Side note, these are the steps I am to build it.

> How to build under Unices (MinGW and Cygwin users: see Windows)
> With CMake you can build the OSG libraries and executables in the source 
> directory and have the files placed in the "lib" and "bin" directories, or 
> you can build "out of source". In this case the whole build system, 
> intermediate files and final binaries are built in a separate directory. 
> Building "out of source" is very useful when you need to build multiple 
> targets, such as 32-bit and 64-bit or Release versus Debug. You can also 
> share your source directories across the network and have several platform 
> builds sitting alongside each other, as an "out of source" build keeps the 
> source tree completely clean. In general, CMake strongly recommends and 
> promotes building "out of source".
> Note: If you do build in-source, changing your mind later to build 
> out-of-source will require you to manually purge CMake cache files in your 
> source tree, otherwise CMake will get confused.
> Using CMake on Unix is done from the command-line. Either use the command 
> "cmake", which just directly creates the build system, or use "ccmake". The 
> latter provides a text-based user interface that opens up in the console that 
> allows you to adjust options. You can also use "make edit_cache", once the 
> build system is built if you wish. (Wiki editing note: what does edit_cache 
> do?)
> Building out-of-source (recommended):
> # Assuming we're in the directory where the OSG sources 
> # are unpacked (usually as the directory "OpenScenGraph")
> mkdir build_OpenSceneGraph
> cd build_OpenSceneGraph
> ccmake ../OpenSceneGraph
> # Set build options in the user-interface
> # Press 'c' to configure, possible multiple times
> # Press 'g' to generate make-files
> make
> sudo make install
> cd ..

It fails on the make step.

Thank you!


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