Hi Robert,

Congrats with 40 and congrats with running!! 

> I wonder how many other runners out there in the community... it
> always surprised me just how many fellow hang glider and para-glider
> pilots turned up in the community, so perhaps cross runners/fell
> runners and marathon runners are here too... any ultra-marathon
> runners even?  I'm certainly not on the later category, but find that
> runners that tackles these distances inspiring.

Well, I'm one of those runners. It started 1.5 years ago when our son was
born. To give my wife some well deserved sleep I started doing some 2-3 hour
nightly walks. It amazed me how far you could actually walk during that time
frame, and eventually the walking turned into running (my wife is one of those
life-long hard-core runners;), and I enjoyed the fact that I could for once to
more than one thing at a time: I could help my wife and son get some sleep
_and_ get some good exercise at the same time. 

After a few months of night walks and running, Kristoffer started to sleep at
night, but I was already addicted to running. You mentioned ultra-marathon; I
can definitely recommend one of those time-limited races. The concept is that
instead of running for a specified distance, you can run (or walk or both) up
to X hours, an the goal is to cover as much distance as possible. I did a
12-hour runs last December (just have to brag a bit here) and managed to cover
81km! It was tiresome but also fun, because these events are held on closed
loops, and since everyone has to take walk breaks (some more than other, like
me) it is surprisingly social.

Best regards,

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