I have two problems I hope someone can help me with, I will describe my setup 
first and then my two questions.
I am not entirely sure if this question belongs here or in the plugin section, 
but here it goes anyway  |-) 
My setup is this: OSG 2.8.1 and running OSGART.
I am using a ReachIn Display which is basically a CRT Monitor set up at about a 
45° angle over a semi transparent glass panel. So the image of the monitor is 
reflected on there and with stereoscopic viewing that generates a 3d feel, and 
you have the hands under the glass panel to interact with the markers etc.

Problem 1:
Okay thats my setup, anyhow, I have the webcam turned up side down, at about 
the angle the user is viewing at, so that when I move the marker up and down it 
simulates what the user sees, now I want to invert left and right, as they are 
mixed up to do the camera orientation.
My guess is I have to dynamically change the MatrixTransform (ArTransform in 
the case of the diagram attatched below) that is updated by the camera position 
and just multiply its x value by -1, does that approach seem plausable? Or am I 
missing something entirely ?

Problem 2:
My other problem is that when I start my application on the machine running the 
ReachIn Display and Shutterglasses, more often than not the application starts, 
but the screen turns black. I can chose the camera settings (resolution etc.) 
but when I click okay the program freezes, it stays black and I cant exit out 
with ESC as I normally could. I am somehow assuming that it has to do with 
multithreading? But I am not very familiar on that subject. On my laptop it 
works fine most of the time.
Hope someone has some ideas concerning that too.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,

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