Joe Abreu wrote:
I've downloaded and run the Redistributable, tried DependecyWalker.exe

OSG example debug versions are missing:


Do you also see MSVCP80.DLL and MSVCR80.DLL as dependent modules in the debug version? If so, this is the configuration problem that Windows is telling you about. It means you have some modules compiled for the Release version and others compiled for the Debug version. To fix it, you can use Dependency Walker to figure out which modules are compiled for Release (these will not have MSVCR80D.DLL as a dependency) and then recompile them for Debug.

and both the examples and my debug version of my program are missing:


So obviously I need these DLL's. Are they just things I can download (via a 
simple google search, I'm not so sure they'll be what I should be downloading)

It's possible these are delay-loaded dependencies that aren't actually required for the app (because the app never calls into them). I'd focus on the above problem first.


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