Jacob Armstrong wrote:
> I'm currently trying to upgrade from OSG-1.2 to OSG-2.8.0 to upgrade a
> process currently in place. I'm trying to load this new version from
> scratch on a Windows XP machine with VS 2003 .NET. I'm following the
> instructions from:
> http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/PlatformSpecifics/VisualStudio
> and have set up all of my environment variables, and I ran CMake to get
> my solution, and upon building the entire solution, I'm receiving over
> 250 link errors in the "plugins ogr" project similar to:
> Linking...
> Creating library
> C:\CMHP\OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0_orig\OpenSceneGraph\lib\Debug\osgdb_ogrd.lib
> and object
> C:\CMHP\OpenSceneGraph-2.8.0_orig\OpenSceneGraph\lib\Debug\osgdb_ogrd.exp
> ReaderWriterOGR.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
> virtual enum CPLErr __thiscall GDALMajorObject::SetMetadataItem(char
> const *,char const *,char const *)"
> (?setmetadatai...@gdalmajorobject@@UAE?AW4CPLErr@@pb...@z
> <mailto:?setmetadatai...@gdalmajorobject@@UAE?AW4CPLErr@@pb...@z>)
> Does anyone know what I'm missing here?

  It would sound like GDAL is not available during compilation. OGR is the GIS 
loader that uses GDAL.

> Also, has the osgDem application
> gone away since OSG-1.2?

  It is broken out into VirtualPlanetBuilder, a separate SVN checkout and build:

  You will need to finish the OSG build itself first, then build VPB.

> Thanks!
> Jake

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