Hi Paul,

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Paul Martz <pma...@skew-matrix.com> wrote:
> Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
>>  Isn't this breaking all existing code that uses UserData/Description
>> though?
> It's not as bad as you might think. If someone were to add CompositeUserData
> to OSG, they'd need to port all (internal) OSG code to use the new system.
> External apps that use UserData would not be compatible with the new system
> until their authors take the time to port, but that's not really a problem,
> as it's no worse of a situation than we have right now.
> I'll also add that this would not be the first time OSG has had a
> non-backwards compatible change (parameters to the draw callback that
> changed in the 2.0 release being the other change that comes to mind in
> recent memory), and everyone lived through that :-) .

In this case I believe we could keep the compatibility of the API, but
the binary compatibility would be broken.  To keep compatibility we'd
need to retain the s/getUserData() and the Description methods as is,
and just add the new methods for the new data structures alongside

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