I've been building a Delta3D application that uses OSG as the rendering module. 
 It's pretty simple, as all it is meant to do is display some 3D triangle 
meshes and allow them to be moved around.  Up until now, I've just been 
importing 3ds files through the Delta3d api, which worked well enough but was 
limited to 2^16 vertices.  I wrote a class to make a Geode from .ply files, but 
they end up looking a little weird.  Geometrically, they are correct.  The 
problem is that they end up looking like silhouettes.  No surface features can 
be seen.  I would guess this is because I set the Geometry with one colour and 
had it set BIND_OVERALL.  All the DrawElements on the mesh are 
osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES.  Basically I'm trying to figure out how to make 
the faces subtly stand out a little more, without just picking random colours 
for each face.  I would appreciate suggestions.

Thanks very much,


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