post your whole code ..... someone might help you

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 7:09 PM, jago jagoc <> wrote:

> Hi alls,
> i would like to show a keybord 3d  as the text in  osgHud example. I
> am working on the osgkeyboard's project:
>  ...
> osg::Group* getHUDScene() { return _HUDscene.get(); }
> void KeyboardModel::CreateHUDKeyboard()
> {
>        _HUDscene = new osg::Group;
>        osg::Projection* HUDProjectionMatrix = new osg::Projection;
>        HUDProjectionMatrix->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::ortho2D(0,1280,0,1024));
>        osg::MatrixTransform* HUDModelViewMatrix = new osg::MatrixTransform;
>        HUDModelViewMatrix->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::identity());
>        HUDModelViewMatrix->setReferenceFrame(osg::Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF);
>        _HUDscene->addChild(HUDProjectionMatrix);
>        HUDProjectionMatrix->addChild(HUDModelViewMatrix);
>        HUDModelViewMatrix->addChild(_scene);
>                \\scene is a osgroup* to the keyboard
> }
> ...
> int main(int , char **)
> {
> ....
>   viewer.setSceneData( keyboardModel->getHUDScene() );
>    return;
> }
> When i run the program  i don't see the keyboard in the scene.
> Any helps or pointer will be appreciate.
> Best regards,
> Jagovic
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