Hi JS,

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
<jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
>> I am angry because of your attitude towards me, accusations of
>> un-professionalism - something based on my inability to live up to
>> your expectations on just how much work I can personally take on.
>> These expectations *are* unreasonable, so I will never be able to live
>> up to your expectations and I will always disappoint.
> I think this really underscores the submissions bottleneck for core OSG. I
> think if you had let someone (or a group of people) take on the less
> critical submissions, and had been able to totally devote yourself to the
> harder ones, you would be less exerted and this discussion might not have
> escalated to the point that it has.

Yes there is has been a bottleneck with submissions, and we've made
some steps towards - we now have more contributors with write
permission.  However, this is really at the issue w.r.t this
particular thread.  It's the fact that I can't do testing on as
widespread a platforms as Paul expects.  The more work I have to do on
keeping tabs of all the platform combinations personally the less time
I have for submissions and other work.

Testing on platform combinations is something that should scale well
with the community, and normally it does.  The difficultly lies in the
niche platforms - such as GL3 and GLES as there right now few users
testing as it's really early in their existance.  Expecting me to take
up this slack just isn't on - I can't balance the books of keeping up
with submissions and the extra platform combinations.

The community has to help and it's something that can easily scale -
it just needs a few more developers to test out these combination and
provide reports of failures and ideally fixes for them.   The fixes
for them is very useful for me as it avoids the need for an iterative
cycle of me having to guess what might be amiss, the end user testing
it and then reporting success/failure and if failure back round for
another loop.  These loops can take hours or even days per iteration.
Reports of failures and providing fixes saves a lot of time for all
those involved.

Scaling up developers with write access to svn is much harder to do.
Review of submissions is critically important from many different
levels, even what can seem to be trivial fix may actually have lots of
knock on effects, both good and bad for cross platform build and
execution.  This is huge topic to get in to, and this certainly isn't
the thread to do it.  As I said above, the thread is about how/how not
to scale up testing of all the different build combinations.

Paul expects me to take on more, enough to even to try to paint me as
unprofessional in not taking GL3 as well, while I'm raising a red flag
and saying no, this is neither reasonable nor productive, the
community has to be engaged productively to help us scale in
platforms.   The community includes Paul, but it's up to him how much
he feels he can engage on supporting different platforms.

After 2.9.7 is out my plan is strike up a thread on the topic of
distributing work effort better amongst the community, it was my
intention to do this even before this thread went out of control - as
it been pretty clear this month that there is just too much work for
me and the various things such as website/cdash/wiki that we need to
improve upon.  We've had this type of thread many times, some things
have improved, but there are parts of overall project that I've tried
to shift over responsibility for but still somehow when things go
amiss I'm back having to coordinate things or step in.

Right now though, getting 2.9.7 the door is my focus.  So testing,
testing, testing.

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