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Robert Osfield wrote:
_On the subject others taking on "trivial" submissions:_

I would also like to add in answer to another of your points from the other thread, it's not the trivial submissions that take up significant amount of the time I put into managing submissions. Genuinely trivial submissions take a very small amount of my time, just a couple of minutes per submission. Taking trivial submissions off my hands will make very little difference to my personal load. There is also a potential downside as what might seem a trivial solution could in fact be a regression, or a change in behavior that will have unforeseen consequences - knowing when this might happen is not a trivial thing, it's where experience of the whole history of the project comes in very useful. So who decides whether it's trivial or not? Making this decision can often take as long as the submission itself... take me out of the loop completely and we loose a lot of the per review horse power as doing reviews of 10's of thousands of submissions over the last decade has taught me a lot that is difficult to pass on.

like you've said, this experience is difficult to acquire and pass on, but the only way other people would get this experience is if they get their hands dirty. It need not be on the trunk, maybe on a branch (or if using a dvcs on their own tree).


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