
Georg Martius wrote:
Hi JP,

thanks for you hint. I tried to code from the linked thread. Unfortunately it does not really work very well. To get you updated: I have 2 cameras, one is the original viewer cam and the other is a pbuffer one. My scenegraph has two nodes: root -> scene
  -> RRT Camera -> scene2
I have an image connected to the RRT camera. In the main scene I have an overlay showing the image on a texture.
I get two problems:
1) using viewer.setCamera(); alternatingly causes:
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'out of memory' after RenderBin::draw(,)
RenderStage::drawInner(,) FBO status= 0x8cd5
Maybe this is because setcamera creates a new Renderer every time?

Hmm, this is strange. 0x8CD5 is GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT. Have you tried setting SingleThreaded mode for the viewer to see if anything changes? Only other thing I can think of is to swap camera buffers instead of swapping cameras, but I haven't tried this. What hardware/OS are you on?

2) When the scene for the pBuffer frames contains only the RRT camera then I see that there seems to be no rendering because the image is not updated and i tried a callback of the RRT camera with the printf that did not show anything.

Maybe it thinks nothing has to be drawn... Try putting something with culling off into the scene.

How difficult would it be to overload the osgviewer and implement a custom rendering of my RRT camera(s) off screen. Any Hints?

Not sure, but you are not the first to want this kind of functionality. You can maybe mess with custom RenderStages. Maybe see here:


Sorry I can't help more

Best regards and many thanks!


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