The way how it is done in the simulator of my client is, to have the body
part od the vehicle shared, and the movable parts (the wheels) separate.
When you load the model you can find the parts you want to control and
attach to a separate scenegraph so you can control them individually

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:58 PM, John Vidar Larring

> Hi Frank,
> I you find that you need to use deep copy, then remember that it is
> possible to deep copy the state sets only and share everything else. This is
> also useful of you want your cars to have different colors/textures as well:
> Ref:
> Best regards,
> John
> Frank Sullivan wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> ...snip...
>> The problem is when I have two cars in the scene, and the graph looks like
>> it does above, I can't turn the wheels on one car without turning them on
>> the other as well.
>> Is the best solution to this to do a deep copy of the car's sub-graph
>> rather than reusing the same sub-graph with two different matrix transforms?
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